Getting started with Personal Property Pro
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Setting up your
Company Information and preferences
Setting the default State and County for new
Customizing the Transmittal Letter,
Invoice & Extension Letter
Selecting your Printer
Adding Clients/Properties & Duplicating Client
Adding Client/Property Data (Owner & Property
Information, Inventory, Assets)
Previewing Returns
Printing Returns (Including batch printing and saving
returns as PDF files)
Database Functions
Registering your software
Year-End Utility: Click File/Utilities to clear out last
year's 'Return is marked complete' flags.
Setting up your Company Information
and preferences.
Click on Setup/Preparer Information, Passwords, Printing, PDF.
a) Add your company name, address, phone number etc.
b) Set an Administrative Password (optional). If set, this is needed to clear 'Return is
Complete' flags, and to reset Client/Property passwords if used.
c) Decide whether or not to allow passwords to be set for each
d) From this screen you can clear all client passwords.
e) Option to print the Firm Information on returns (firm name and/or address
and/or date depending on the state or form).
f) Click on 'Printer' to select the default printer
for PPP (this can be done later, and changed on the
g) PPP can save your returns as a PDF (Adobe) files. You have the
option to save pages individually, or to save returns as one file.
i) One of my personal favorites - an option to play a WAV file on startup.
Select them and print the 'Play' button to listen to them.
the default State and County for which
you will usually be preparing returns.
Click on Setup/County Information.
a) By default, the program ships with the default state set to Oklahoma and
the default
county set to Tulsa.
Change this to the state and county where you will do most of your returns.
When you add a new client, the program will default
to this state and county, but you will have the option to change it before it
creates a record for the new client. In Texas, once a return is saved
for a particular county, you cannot change the return to another county.
b) You can change any county information. The software contains
for 398 counties, so it's possible our database may have a misspelled
address, or the county assessor might change etc.
If you correct any county information, you will see a button giving you the
option to 'Save County Changes'. When you click this button, it will
save the new county information in your system, and you will be
given an opportunity to notify us of this change. If you do NOT notify
us of the change, the next update you get will contain the original data
again for that county, over-writing your changes, so please let us know when you make a valid change to
county information by answering 'yes' and filling in the change on the
website page you will be redirected to.
Customizing the Transmittal Letter, Invoice & Extension Letter - This allows you to customize the contents of
your transmittal letter (or 'cover letter'), the invoice, heading and salutation,
slip sheet, and extension letters (where extensions are allowed). By
default, the program comes with a simple and straightforward transmittal letter,
invoice, and extension
letter that you can use 'as is'. These are called 'Program Default
Sections' that contain certain embedded codes. You start with a
copy of these 'default sections' that you can modify, which makes them
your default/customized sections. You can change the text as
well as insert @codes@ to print various
information, such as the county assessor or firm information, due date,
reason for extension etc. Depending on how you came to this window,
you can always modify your 'Default Sections' (blue radio button in the
upper-left corner), or, if you are in the clients window and have selected a
client OR you have opened a client, you can edit the specific
transmittal letter for the client that is selected/opened (2nd blue radio
button in the upper-left corner. Usually, you will want to
modify your 'Default Sections' to what
you want them to be. Then, when you have them the way you like, click
on menu item 'Options' and then the sub-menu item 'Rebuild ALL Letters
and Invoices for ALL of your clients based on your Default/Modified
Sections'. This will force the program to re-create, from this
point forward, any letter/invoice/extension based on your customized
default sections from scratch when you print/preview them again. If you want to restore the
program's original sections, click on menu item 'Options',
then click
'Restore the Program's Original Text and Embedded Codes...(for THIS
section that you are working on, or for ALL 5 sections)'. If you want
to change the font and/or font size, be sure to change it for all
default sections, as they are each treated separately. Also, in the
upper-left section, there are two buttons. One button is a camera
which will show you what the actual letter will look like ('Preview the
section'). The other button puts you back in the 'raw text and codes'
format of editing the section.
To insert a code, click the drop-down combo box, select what you would like
to insert, and click the 'pencil' button, which will insert the appropriate
code where the cursor is located within the section you are modifying.
Note: You cannot insert a graphic
image into any of these sections. We are working on finding a way to
allow you to do this in the future.
- Selecting your Printer
Click Setup/Printer.
Select the default windows printer this computer is using, or pick from the
list of available printers. If you want to print transmittal letters
on your letterhead instead of blank paper, set your margins so that the transmittal letter prints
beneath/inside your letterhead borders.
- Adding Clients/Properties,
and Duplicating Returns if a Client has several locations
Click Clients
The program ships with several 'Sample Clients'. We provide
sample clients for each unique return that the software generates, so you can see what the
particular forms looks like. From the
Clients form, you can Add, Edit, Delete, and Duplicate Client/Properties as
well as import assets for a selected client.
You can also Preview and Print returns from here. To open
a client you can either double-click the client, or highlight the
client (single-click) and then click the Edit button, or press Alt-E.
All throughout our software you will find hot-keys for
many buttons. You can navigate through much of the program just by
using your keyboard. Pressing ESC takes you 'back a level', such as
out of the assets window back to the client data window, etc. We
encourage you to learn these steps as it will greatly increase the speed in
which you can add and edit clients, property information, assets etc.
Duplicating a Client:
On the Clients window, you can highlight a client and then
Duplicate that client.
Duplicating a Client is handy when you have a Client that needs to file many
returns (several different locations in different counties or even states). If you
purchased the Corporate version, this is also how you can quickly setup
multiple locations. To use the 'Duplicate Client' feature, you would
create one Client record, adding the client's 'Owner
Information' and save the record. Then from the Client window, click the 'Duplicate Client'
button. After confirming the duplication, you are asked to select the State and
County that the new return is for. At that point it creates a new record,
and copies all of the 'Owner Information' from the initial record.
This includes Company name, address, phone, signer etc.
Importing Assets: On the Clients window, if you highlight a client
you can Import Assets by clicking the 'Import Assets' button.
Importing assets is covered more thoroughly
- Adding Client/Property Data
(Owner information, Property
Information, Inventory and Assets)
When you add a client you are asked to pick the state and county for which
this return is to be created.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For Oklahoma and Florida,
you can change the county after you started entering data for the return.
For Texas, you cannot change the county once you have selected the State and
County, since the asset categories vary from county to county..
Once you have selected the State and County, a window opens up whereby you
enter all of the Owner, Property, Asset and Inventory information.
This window will be slightly different depending on which state the return
is for.
For all three states, the Asset screen (or 'Tab') is pretty much the same.
You can manually add, edit, and mark as deleted assets. The major
difference is the 'Asset Categories', which varies from state-to-state, and
in the case of Texas, from county-to-county.
While you are editing the client data, you can
Preview or
Print the return.
- Previewing Returns
While editing a client or from the clients window you can preview pages of
the actual return on your screen. If you are on the clients window,
single-click a client and then click the 'Preview Return' button. A
new window will open which will in turn load page 1 of the return. The
first page takes a few seconds longer to load after starting the program
each time. Pages load much quicker after the 1st page is loaded and
displayed. The preview will show you what the actual printed page will
look like. From this window you can preview other pages of the return
by clicking on the drop-down combo box in the
upper-left section of the window next to 'Form:'.
While previewing any page, you can print the current page you are previewing
by clicking the 'Print Form' button, or you can print the entire return by
clicking the 'Print Return' window, which opens a new window and lets you
select which pages to print, whether to print to the printer or to a PDF
file etc. At this time, you cannot preview the transmittal letter or
the extension letter. You can also change the printer from here.
- Printing Returns,
Batch Printing & Saving Returns as PDF Files
From several places in the program you can print Client returns. This
can be done from the main Client window, while editing a particular Client,
and while previewing a return for a Client. When you click to
print a Client Return the Print Return window is opened. By default,
the program calculates what pages it thinks should be printed for this
client, and puts a check-mark next to the pages that are to be printed. You can check and
uncheck the pages as you see fit. Various options are whether to print
an 'Asset Cross-Tab Summary Report', which is a grid showing the asset
categories across the top, the years down the left, and the grid is
filled with the 'Cost Totals' of the assets currently in
service for those categories and years. Another optional report is
called 'Asset Listing - Generic'.
This is a report that groups and subtotals all of the assets in the system
for this client. You will see a series of three radio buttons on this
form. If you click the 2nd radio button, you can see several different
ways in which you can subtotal and sort the 'Asset Listing - Generic' report. You
can group and subtotal by Category then Year, or by Year then Category
At the top of the window, you have the option to 'Print Single Client' or
'Print Multiple Clients'. If you click 'Print Multiple Clients', you
will see a list of all of your clients/properties. You can check which
Client returns to print, OR you can use the drop-down combo box and select 'ALL',
'Returns marked as 'Complete', or 'Returns NOT marked as 'Complete'.
In batch print mode, you can also print the 'Asset CrossTab Summary Report"
and the 'Asset Listing report'. When you batch print returns, if one
or more clients have passwords set, you will be asked for the password
before you can print them.
Finally, whether you are printing ONE Client or Multiple clients, you can
either print them, or save them as PDF files. If you choose to save
them as PDF files, you will need to have set a valid 'Manual Backup' path.
You can do this by clicking on File/Database Functions/Manual Backup... and
then enter a valid location for the 'Backup Location'. If you are
running PPP in a multi-user environment, be sure this location is a shared
location. Do not use your own personal folder, otherwise when others
run the program and attempt a manual backup or try to create PDF files, they
will get an error if they do not have rights to this folder. The
'Manual Backup' path is also where
PDF files are saved to. If you have saved PDF Files and wish to view
several of them, click on File/View Client PDF Returns.
- Database Functions
Click on File/Database Functions
Here is where you can set the location for your manual backups, and where
you can perform a manual backup.
Other options can be set here which are fully explained on the form.
Be sure to backup your data (manual backup) occasionally, especially if you
are not performing nightly/weekly automatic backups of your system on a
- Registering your software
Click on Help, Register.
When you purchase a license for Personal Property Pro for the current tax
year, we will send you an email
when your email address has been registered on our server. Go to this window and
type in your email address where it says 'Email Address to Register at this
Location', and press the 'Register button. The program will connect to
our web-server and then activate the program for the current year, number of
seat licenses, etc. If successful, it will pop up a window showing you
your settings. You can re-register at any time, but it must be done
from the same computer that it was originally registered from. Need to
move the program (with your data) from one computer to another?
Click here for
Well that should get you started. If you
have any other questions please call us at (918) 252-1157. We love to
help you.
Lastly, by now you have
fallen in love with the software and are on the verge of
purchasing a license (see the watch on the string
swinging back and forth?), and now we'd like to ask you for a favor... Would you
please pick up the phone and call a few of your business associates who also do
these returns and tell them about this exciting product? Maybe even call
your county assessor's office as well as businesses who you know do their own
returns, and encourage them to take a look at it. We intend on making this
product better each year, and we really do need your help
to spread the word. Thank you very much.
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