Exporting Assets from BNA Fixed
Assets Desktop (based on Tax Year
2005) and importing them into
Personal Property Pro
Once you've done one client, the
rest will be easy.
- Create a folder where you want to store
asset information files from the BNA program.
Create the folder on
your server if multiple users need to access these files.
- Open BNA.
- Open a client (click File, Open Company, select the company).
- Click on Reports, choose
'Calculation Reports'
- Pick 'Book Depreciation Schedule'
- At the bottom, click 'Print Report'
- A window pops up asking for the Print
- Choose 'Print Report to File'
- Locate and choose the folder created in Step 1
- At the bottom of the window, change 'Type' to 'CSV'.
- Save the file (do steps 3-10 for
all clients that you want to import into PPP)
- Open Personal Property Pro.
- Add the client if not already added, saving at least the client
corporate and owner name. Click 'Save & Exit'.
- Click on 'Clients', and highlight the client you want to import
asset information for
- Click on the 'Import Assets' button (upper-right)
- Click on the 'Locate the File...' button (must be a file ending in .CSV)
- Go to the folder where the file was exported (step 1)
- Click on the client file you exported.
- Open file. PPP reads in the file and puts it into a grid of rows
and columns.
- Setup the fields above the grid in Personal Property Pro
A. First 1 rows
contain column headings
B. Which column contains the Asset Description? Column
C. Date Acquired - column 3
D. Asset Cost - column 4
- Click on the 'Reload File' button in upper-right corner, and Personal
Property Pro will try to auto-assign the county categories for you.
- Review assets to import, making sure asset categories on the far left
are correct. Re-class the assets that you want to import that say
'unassigned' and the box is unchecked. (Double-click the asset and choose
from the drop-down list).
- After making necessary adjustments to any asset categories, click on
'Next Step' at top of screen
- Review assets with your prior totals. Make any changes by clicking
on 'Prior Step' and making modifications. Then click 'Next Step'.
- Click 'Import Assets', either overwriting all assets, or appending
assets to current assets for this client.
- Close the form and open the client by double-clicking. Click the
'Assets' tab. This is the summary screen, and by clicking on any
button or column you can add/edit/delete individual assets.
After the 1st year, you can
choose to import only the current year assets (or you can key them in
1) Checking the 'Flag all assets
acquired from #### to ####' checkbox
2) Select just the previous year in both combo boxes
(Example: 2006 to 2006).
If this is checked, Personal Property Pro will read in the entire file, and will automatically check
only the assets acquired within the range of years you select. After you
verify the asset category for each checked asset (you can uncheck assets if your
county does not include them), you can proceed to import the assets.
You can assign several assets
the same category simultaneously. Click on the '?' button next to 'Assign
category to selected asset(s) at the bottom for help.
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Asset Import Help